Tuesday 26 November 2013


It is always when we think about love, we will only remember our spouses, partner, couples, or lover. So how about our parents?
Love to our parents actually is more valuable and holy rather than love other human being such lover or friends. It’s not mean that love friends or others are wrong, but as a children we must put our parents in first order. This is because without them, of course we will never been born in this world. So, for me our parents is our teacher, friend, lover and everything.

Even if we think that our parents are mean-spirited at times, loving our parents is a normal and fulfilling part of life. We can still love them and not like them; there is no need to set our dreams by their own but we can still find love in our heart for the fact that they created us , raised us, and are in part a source of who we  are. Here are ten simple ways to love our parents:-
Ø Tell them we love them every morning & smile at them more often.
Ø Remember that they brought us into this world.
Ø Respect them more and cherish these moments, we can use these.
Ø Moments to learn from them for when we're off on our own.
Ø It's okay to get angry but angry actions don't help us or our parents.
Ø Comply with their requests.
Ø It may seem like we're going through hell when we don't get what we want or we have to clean, but remember that they keep a roof over our head when it's cold, raining, snowing, or too hot.
Ø Understand that parents are human beings and make mistakes
Ø Do things with our parents like watch TV, or go somewhere with them.
Ø Listen to their old stories and learn from them.

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